Sunday, September 13, 2009

Getting closer!!!

This week was interesting... it was so busy! It was soo so busy I have not had the time to write my blog!!!

The magic in my life seems so far away right now. I remember growing up and my grandmother had a "magic wand" (a twig with glitter and a satin ribbon for a handle), and every full moon the elves (in Spanish "enanos") would "come out" and we would have a chant in French that we would have to say... Something like "Petite baguete sukuto se fe..?", something to the extent, "little stick, little stick take me ....". Ok so my nanna, my mom, and my grandmother would be there with me and my two brothers and we were so little... and the stick would be in our hand being held by grandmother's or mom's hand... and the wand would start "shaking" and it would start pointing in a direction and seemingly pull. A few steps away all of a sudden there was sometimes a light, there was sometimes a little bag, but there was a little gift from the elves. It was always something small... a matchbox car, or a small dollie... but it was so neat. My mom or grandmother would say, "look there goes one now" and sure enough we would "see" them! They gave us the means to have such a wild imagination that we used to see them! Just like Santa Claus... we used to see him too and his reindeer! There was magic in our childhood. And I don't know, but throughout my life I have always had some sort of magic in it. Here lately I feel that it has slipped away from me, but at the same time I am so very much prepared to engage my little one's mind with all the wonders of the world! I can't wait to share this world with him!

Everyone just seems to be living in such a "plastic" world... material goods, credit cards, bigger, better... nothing can be simple. It seems no one is happy with anything they have, everyone needs more, everyone needs a better job, a better home... well ok there is a few people that don't live like that... but sigh.. I wish I could live simpler, but well, it's what comes with it all, life, this life, life in the "fast lane". Keeping us busy constantly! But granted we have all the bells and whistles anyone can ask for in a life. But I can't help but think of what's important in life and I feel that I am about to know for myself. This little man is about to change my life, give us both greater purpose! So much ahead!

So we started our birthing classes! Finally! We are going the Hypnobirthing method. It's a self hypnosis method to help you deal with the discomfort of labor. In fact they say there is no reason for the pain since it's only muscles tensing and releasing during contractions. They equate the pain that most women feel to the anxiety and tension that most women experience. I guess we will see... I have seen a lot of videos of hypnobirthing (just look at and search hypnobirthing - there is a great dateline video that explains it).

We also started packing the bag for the hospital so we are prepared! Next week we will start carrying it in the car I suppose just to be ready! So much to pack!!!
clothes for me
clothes for baby
wipes for everyone
socks, shoes etc
sanitary napkins
towels for the car to keep the seats clean
plastic bags (same as above)
birth plan
cell phone
sooo much!!!

On one totally different note had another fox sighting this past week! So neat to see all the animals here. As it's getting cooler the air is crisper and so beautiful here!

1 comment:

HarmSkills said...

take everything from the hospital that is not nailed down. take thier diapers ( my hospital used pampers) the pads, all the medicine they give you for "down there" and DEFINATLY take the stool softeners! BRING YOUR NIPPLE CREAM TO THE HOSPITAL. Lansinoh! Your nips KILL in the beginning and I had to send gav home to get some (luckily we had it at home) the hospital had some, but in these lil sample packs and I needed sooo much. You might want to bring a nursing bra or tank too. I wish I had know that by wearing a bra, supporting the breasts, would help with the nipple pain (not sure why that is true).
I was also VERY glad I had gatorade, vitamin water and granola bars because even though they dont let you eat or drink anything once you are in labor (I think in case you have to have a section and you need anesthesia) I delievered at 12:45am, and by the time they cleaned me up it was about 2am, and Im sure there wasnt much in the way of food to get for me, and I didnt want Gav to leave me and have to go find me food. So I was glad to have a Belly Bar and some vitamin water (although I ended up pissing myself cause I was pumped with fluids as it was and was so thirsty) maybe TMI for a public blog, but people need to know the down and dirty.