Friday, July 10, 2009

27 and ....

Almost to the third trimester, yeah! And I have been reading up and feeling new symptoms that come along with it. Some of the stories on are so humorous they make me pee a little, no really... no one told me there would be leakage!

Let me recap some of the newest symptoms I have been getting. Headaches come and go, so far the longest one had lasted three days, THREE DAYS!, I thought it was because I was over tired but not quiet sure. I am getting enough water.

Indigestion is getting fierce!! I think the baby must be leaning against my tummy sometimes as I will get a reflux for a short while and it goes away and then for no reason it comes on again. I know you do not digest foods as quick as pre-pregnancy so that might make sense.

Then there is the back pains, I have had about two days of serious pain but it's normally towards the end of the day. I hear it's the change in your center of gravity, and then there is the new found roundness... I AM ROUND! My belly is quiet round now and very pregnant looking. I am at that phase that I look like I am so pregnant that I should be having the baby soon but I still have 90+ days to go! Oh and when Neil actually makes some time to rub my back it just makes me have to go poo... I guess my intestines are all flattened against my back! So that's all interesting.

So now for the fun stuff...flat belly button! My belly button is moving outwards, I can see all the crevaces that are normally on the inside!!! My piercing is stretching too so it looks quiet odd. We will see if we go "inverted" by the end of it all!

14 inch/2lbs head of cauliflower.... well... as funny as that sounds... he doesn't feel like a cauliflower, but he does move around a lot. It's amzaing to feel all the movement. He kicks quiet hard adn some times I can feel a leg or arm on the surface that is just chilling there. Neil trys to tap at him too, super cute.

Baby brain is begining to take over! I call people and not remember who I am calling by the time they answer the phone! I am just a space cadet most days. I have to write everything down at work so I don't go too far off tangent, it's amazing how this little man does all this too me.

Cavities?? I think my teeth are suffering... but I am not sure if it's because of all the sugary yummies I eat or because baby Rubin is sucking all the nutrients from my bones!?! But I am pretty sure I have a new cavity or two... and the pain lets me know from time to time.

So many changes! Waistlines are overrated I keep trying to remind myself and the fact is that when he moves around in there and lets me know he's there, I get so happy, I forget the destruction that is going on with the rest of my physical self.

Until next week!

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