Sunday, February 8, 2009

Neil Snoring away

I sit here on a Sunday morning lying next to neil as he snores away... cats have his feet trapped into one corner of the bed and it's oh so funny. The kitties are who woke me up at 0600 this morning and without fail I can't return to my rest, so here I am... checking out my newest websites to be a part of... I graduated from friend recommended to another friend recommended! I am so excited, as is Neil! So much to learn and so much advice to get as life moves foward and fast! I can't believe we are... pr pr pregnant! Yeah! Just saying it evokes such happy feelings! A connection with so many moms around the world! As I share the news the advice comes pouring in, and I am so grateful, I truely feel a part of the bigger picture now. Neil feels the begining of a legacy he will leave on the earthly domain. How exciting! But the cramping and strange feelings of construction in my abdomen is a trip. Feels like I did a major ab workout! I am elated! We even already have name suggestions!

Well I need to get him moving.. we need to work on this house much faster now... as in 8 months.. there will be a new arrival!

Thanks to all friends and family that are already giving us so much advice, pls keep it coming!

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