Saturday, June 20, 2009

No pain, No gain oh and no abs?

Happy Summer Solstice and welcome to week 24~

This week the belly pains began! Well OK but new pains began. I started having bad round ligament pain and with good reason, this tum tum is starting to really stick out! There is no doubting my "pregnant" look now! I had some sharp pangs on my side early on this week and then a bit later this week they were in the front, just below my belly button. At first I thought, "OH NO!, what's going on?!" then I went to my trusty babycenter moms and realized oh yeah.. "growing pains" and I have a doc's appointment next week anyways, so I can be sure then.

In the mornings I feel wonderful though, I almost don't feel pregnant except for the part about trying to get out of bed and realizing that baby boy here has taken my abs away from me. I don't sleep real well cause every time I turn around I realize.. stay on your left side, move the teddy bear to lower back, re locate the pillow between your legs... get comfy.. yeah it's the new norm I suppose.

So lets talk about no Abdominal muscles: it's strange not to have something you always had, like being able to breath after a flight of stairs, getting up out of a chair or bed without wondering how to do it effectively without the appropriate muscles. I am starting to do the roll out of bed, but we have a very tall bed which adds to the challenge. It's fun, I laugh most of the time as I am trying so hard to get up and down... Neil sometimes gives me a pull or push... LOL... It also has made it "different" when I have to go #2. You don't realize how much you rely on them until they are unavailable to you. This little tike makes it tough to get in and out of cars.. I am slower at everything! It's funny, I want to move but well, have to be more cautious. <> I will keep doing my prenatal yoga and Wii Fit stuff... hopefully that will help me stay on the ball!

Baby Bootcamp. The fleet and family service center here on base gave a half day class in which they brief us on some of the ins and outs of having a babe. So we went over financial stuff, local and on base day care (much cheaper on base) and got some advice from the pediatrician about development. I believe we also talked about medical and where we can take our babe for his doctors visits. That was fun, but with that said we get a little baby "sea bag" too for attending - came with 6 onsies, blankies and a home made knit sweater and hat.. too cute! It's wild how much they do for us. I also had gotten a freebie earlier this week from work (two books, a onsie and a chill bag for milk). Fun stuff! !

OK back to making some yummy summer solstice meal items!

Went to the Sea Services Leadership Symposium as well (Navy/Coast Guard/Marines thing) and got my annual dose of female leadership. There were some 600+ women in uniform there (about 6 men) and it was just so neat. One of the speakers made a good point, she said, this is how the men must feel every day surrounded by the same sex. Funny huh? Yeah well I thought it was interesting. Of the 300 CMC's in the navy only 57 of them are females. In the ranks E7-E9 females only make up 7%, in the Navy as a whole women make up 15.9%. It was an interesting couple days, long days too! Got out past 5 each day! Well it wouldn't have been so bad if the event wasn't down in D.C. I think next time I will just stay at a hotel instead of commuting.

Well anyways, so besides all the good stuff, been having more tiredness, no change on irritability (much of that is based on how much attention Neil gives me, wink), and I have been getting a few cramp here and there in my legs. . the restless leg syndrome seems to have tapered off but now I get random charlie horses, so I increased the water intake... see if that works. Well enough for me, I need to really work on these during the week, I could have sworn the week was funnier than I am reading here.. but well... baby brain, I can't remember where I park my car when I got out let alone what happened to me all week!

1 comment:

HarmSkills said...

you look fabulous! awesome that the navy takes such good care of you... cant beat the freebies! and you deserve it

the charley horses are the worst i would get those too i heard bananas help those, BUT I would get them in the middle of the night!!!!

Do you have names?