Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's 3:30 a.m.

It's early and I am pumping. I must have drank too much water before bed. Instead of getting up to pee a million times, I have to get up to pump or risk leaking everywhere and achy boobs.

Gustave wasn't hungry so I had to take care of business. The risk here is that if he gets hungry I have just drained his supply, doh. So now the decision is do I freeze it or just drop it in the fridge for now? I think I will freeze it. I have about 5 ounces of milk left over from yesterday still (had to pump yesterday too). So let's hope he sleeps. He ate at 2 a.m. last, and 10 pm before that (he's been sleeping in between, and he's sleeping soundly besides Neil right now... ok well he was fussing a little here and there with gas, I gave him drops though). So now I have to drink a ton of water before going back to bed. I wonder how much goes to pee and how much goes to milk. I feel like I make more milk than pee... haha.

OK, well enough of my milk adventure. I am going back to bed.

1 comment:

HarmSkills said...

I read somewhere that even after you pump, there will ALWAYS be milk for the baby. He is very efficient at sucking it out and our bodies know the difference. Also this question has come up at La Leche League, and they say that 10 mins after pumping, you should have enough for the baby. Hope this helps.