Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Baby Bottoms and Poop!

So babies bottoms are synonymous with diaper rash.

Poor little things! His bottom is too cute to be looking so painful! ! We have desitin and we have some aveeno Zinc stuff. . . but doesn't seem to be working. I suppose it does create a barrier and we are changing his diaper frequently but it just looks like it gets redder every time I change him!

Poor little guy! Breast-milk poop is really strange looking... looks like yellow cottage cheese.. eww. But it's normal from what we know! I ensured to google some pictures of baby poop... I know.. gross, but I wanted reassurance, and since we have information at our finger tips, hey why not?

So pooping your pants brings up a memory from a couple weeks ago just after giving birth. Incontinence was not only saved for my urine, but I was doing something and all of sudden I was like Neil.. got to go! I have to go! And well... I didn't make it to the bathroom. I think my mother was still here and it was early in the morning and I had a huge sanitary pad on so I saved my underwear but WOW. I was surprised, I had never! Poop, what a funny thing. I stopped taking my iron supplements (with my doc's blessing) so I would ensure to make soft poop so as not to irritate my newly acquired hemorrhoids. Yup, it was fine, coming off iron helped, and not taking my stool softners helped too (we were going too too soft) and I would like to proudly report that my hemorrhoids are just about gone! Yeah! I am so much more comfortable in that department now! But I did find, with the handy use of a mirror, that I still have all my stitches. I guess those will last a few more weeks. We will see.

So from the other end of Baby Gus, we have a lot of spit up! It's impressive sometimes how much curdled milk comes back up the wrong end. I feel so bad but he does not look too uncomfortable... except for the cold wetness that his clothes become. Needless to say we do a lot of laundry (daily affair) and have a lot of clothing changes. We also have to change mommy a few times a day if I don't get the burp cloth down in time. So we are getting more coordinated with burping and we found (thanks to Heather!!) that utilizing Mylicon for infant gas, helps tremendously! He has so much gas, at both ends! it hurts him and he's pretty up set by it, but these little drops, used at meals helps all the way!! Yeah!

OK... well enough for today about the wet things that come from my little man's orifices.

All our best!

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