So Gustave and I are settling into a routine, or at least getting better acquainted with our roles as mother and baby. Finding out that babies make all sorts of noises and practice moving and making noise all day long. "They" are supposed to sleep 16 hours a day, but I do not think we are there yet.
He's also not in a feeding routine. Sometimes he want to eat all day - every top of the hour! It's amazing he can put all that food away! But then again he spits up a lot of milk too. Other days he can go 2-3 hrs no problem and we have a hard time waking him up to eat. So it's hit or miss still, I suppose in a month or two we will have some sort of routine for eating.
Gustave has his first bath on Halloween. Neil and I both hunched over the bath tub and put his little blue bath tub in there. He seemed to love the warm water, so he was easy to bathe, except he was so small he would slide around a lot. Hehe.. he also peed on me while we were waiting on his bath - boys pee a lot! He got me four times yesterday! I am learning to keep a diaper over the little launcher before turning my head to get the desitin.
At this point his belly button is fully healed (the stump fell off at day 7), a little scab is about to fall of his scalp where the heart monitor was screwed into his skin, his circumcision is fully healed just needs frequent cleaning (something called smegma accumulates). He's doing great. I think we may have some Thrush or acne on his face, looks harmless and doc says he's fine! He seems to have a few scratches on his face from his little sharp nails, so he wears a lot of shirts with mittens - best thing ever!
In fact for other first time moms out there - buy onsies that wrap under the diaper and that have mittens if you can. Shirts that do not snap on the bottom just end up around their chest constantly.
So for today's funnies...
Things I am learning as a first time mom in today's age:
1. My only connection to the outside world is Facebook
2. Blisters aren't just for feet any more! Discover Nipple Blisters - ouch! We will see how long it lasts. It showed up yesterday.
3. Hand writing Birth announcements was unnecessary as we already sent everyone pictures via email. But still, we went traditional and I did it anyways, it has taken me the past three weeks!
4. Laundry is a daily task. We go through a few outfits every day - it's amazing how many times you can spit up and pee on your clothes when you are only days old.
5. There is a difference between spit up and vomit - it's in the force.
6. It's ok to let the house cleaning slide. I have to let things go.
7. There is a need for extra hours in a day. I feel like I can't get everything done!
8. Women do better with less sleep, men don't.
9. Grandmothers cannot get enough pictures and share a special bond with the little guy. And baby talk is good for the little ones, they respond best to higher pitched voices.
10. Learn how to use the stroller/car seat prior to baby's arrival. In my first experience taking the car seat off the frame after a visit to the personnel department - I couldn't get the car seat off the frame!! I had to call Neil, in a slight frantic mood, and ask him to walk me through it! :0
11. Make sure if you are having a baby that you have a very comfy couch. I sit in my couch most of the day with him while we are getting used to breastfeeding. He barely lets me get up sometimes.
OK well it's been fun and just as everyone has told me it does get better. It seems every day he gets better at breastfeeding, which makes that easier and that I am getting used to getting him in and out of the car. Getting out of the house takes a lot more time now... More in weeks to come!
1 comment:
OMG I hear ya on all that stuff! I got peed on today when I was carrying connor to the bath. Although he hates settling down to BF he is so distracted. I long for a good looooonnnnngggggg feed so I can catch up on my DVR! Connor also had NASTY baby acne from weeks 3 to about 5 but it did go away. I still have to clean the smudegula off his winky too. boys are the best.
get some sleep. I am going to bed. xoxox
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