His tear ducts have developed! Now he can really cry it out! J/K... He was crying the other day and we noticed his tears came in! He has also started practicing holding his head up, and its entirely amusing to watch him do so. He gets really quiet, up noggin', wobble wobble, down noggin', take break, up, down, wobble, it's adorable. The only thing I wish he would change is the time of day he decides to do it, it seems it's always 730-8pm he starts playing around and wanting to seriously interact with us. Must be his internal clock. I remember when I was pregnant that is when he really would kick about.
So many little milestones to celebrate! One of the biggest is the fact he has outgrown his newborn onsies, so we are moving out of some of his first month's clothing. He's so cute too, he just seems to get cuter each day - I stare at him constantly.
Gustave seems to be getting so big so fast. I pick him up and he feels heavier, I suppose that will keep happening! I better start using a boppy or pillow to feed this young man just to help hold him up. I now know why people would need one. I was beginning to wonder it's worth.
I went for a run Saturday morning and this morning I also hope to get another small one in to help me get back into my groove. It's still rough but it was easier than the first day a few weeks ago. I have been trying to weigh myself in on the Wii Fitness scale and it seems I have stopped loosing weight magically, I will have to work a little harder to get the last 25 pounds off. I am weighing in at 140 as of this morning (and last week too).
I also find that I am still sweating profusely some nights, but it was not as bad as some people made it seem. I suppose the hormones are still leaving the body as my hair still has yet to fall out...
Well it's 0615 am and Neil is putting Gustave to sleep... we will see. Neil really is the one who suffers with the sleep loss. He does not like it one bit. But I can only hope that his sleeping patterns will adjust in time and Neil can regain some normal function again.
Clothes Shopping.
There is something that they should tell new mothers - Don't shop for new clothes until month 2 or 3 or 4. I went to the store the other day to buy a new uniform, figuring I was going to pop into work for a few days weeks before the xmas holiday. I had to try on a size 16 (they run really big... Pre-pregnancy I wore a size 5/6 in normal clothing and size 10 in uniforms), and when I looked in the mirror I was horrified. You have to understand that the female Khaki comes up to the natural waist, and with the extra weight sitting right around there, I look like super foopa. Oh it was scary and I tried on a larger shirt because of my newer chestier figure, and I just looked gi-normous. Oh it was sad, I took the clothes off quickly and threw them in the corner of the changing room opposite to where I had Gustave sitting watching the horror.
It doesn't end there. I continue to wear maternity pants but I want to get back into normal pants that have a button and so on. So I bought a pair of comfy North Face pants with zips that convert them to shorts if need be. I bought a size 8 - thinking this will be more than enough. Nope-wrong again - no tears, I just took them off very fast and returned them. Oh the horror. I think I will not do clothes shopping for another few weeks. And I can only hope that while my mother is here for Thanksgiving the topic will not come up. She can be vicious without ever meaning harm - she wanted me to buy a scale the last time she was here - I was mortified, and glad we never did pick one up.
Well off I go back upstairs (or do some work - doing some side work for a friend)... Gustave should be calmer now but if not, I am sure Neil will enjoy me taking him off his hands.
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