Tuesday, Some random day in October... very close to Samhain I can figure...
0001 Neil is with baby downstairs on the couch
0230 Neil returns with baby Gus, reports he's been sleeping, they both have been
0235 Baby needs to be fed, but I hate to wake him up from his pack n' play.. I have a bad feeling...
0300 Gus eats but is wide awake now, we try walking, feeding more, turning him on his side, playing lullabys.. nothing. He's awake and gas is making him uncomfortable. Lots of spit up! Is this normal??
0400 I start to get weepy. He's spitting up everything I keep giving him but he keeps coming back for more????? Neil holds wee man for a few minutes before giving him back to me to feed.
0500 Neil needs sleep - he returns to bed as he actually has to go to work in a few hours.
0600 Gus is about asleep, so I bring him to bed, he sleeps better - I suppose because the bed is soft and I am wrapped around him keeping him warm.
0630 I am asleep, Neil is off to work... in a sleepy state I ask myself did little man just poop or poot?
0900 Wakey time and time to feed Gus! We get to eating. Change diaper - loaded!
1000 Shower time for me, wipe down for Gus. Get a plum from downstairs while Gus is calm in his playard... try to get a load of laundry going. I can hear Gus starting to cry... it eats at my soul... I go pick him up.. eww.. he has goo in his eye. Get tissue.. get goo out.. success! He's wide awake though...
1100 Gus in living room to his bassinet, crying, I am trying to slay some ants (we have an ant issue in the house) and working on some breakfast. Change diaper - just pee... Ok forgot I left breakfast out (I did this yesterday to my lunch too)... go back to making my oatmeal.. yum.. pick up Gus.. he's crying...
1115 Diaper change - just pee.... again... he pees a lot..
Try to eat over Gus while holding him. Found a solution.. put him on table, his head on my arm... and he dozes off.. ok.. he likes to be held... understatement! But now I can type on my keyboard too... mmm... little spit up.
Lots of farting again today... last night was same. He seems to have a lot of gas...
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