It's Friday and its the day before our due date and I am home relaxing. I have more or less have been told not to come to to work! H1N1 Flu is going around and there is a scare, but I am missing having a purpose that I am accustomed to.
I decided to get moving early enough to get a cup of coffee at City Dock before the Sailboat show rush in Annapolis (Big boat show!). Everyone was super friendly this morning, lots of good mornings! It was so pleasant. I grabbed the camera and got my white chocolate mocha decaf and a gingerbread muffin that was deee-lish! I sat down, ate, and then took a stroll up Main Street. It was nice and cool out and lots of people getting the day started. It was lovely.
While taking my walk and checking out the windows and the goodies behind the windows, I saw my reflection and its so tough to accept the reflection. I don't totally feel the way I look (well there are moments - like when I can't get off the couch). I had to snap the picture you see above! My belly sticks out so far! I got a couple comments today, and it's fun to say... "well, my due date is tomorrow actually!".
SO for those that don't know, Monday night we had a bit practice run. I went to lunch with Neil and I had a gush of fluid come down while I was on the toilet. It was a bit strange because it was a lot of fluid but not enough to really be my water breaking. But we had read that it can come down a little here and a little there. I kept flowing the rest of the day, so we called Labor and Delivery at Bethesda Naval Hospital and they told us to eat, shower and come in. So we did, we took our time and got there around 2100 and they put me on a monitor and did an internal check. The monitor was neat, but for 30 minutes I had to sit tight, and Gustave kicked the monitor the entire time! It was super cute! Neil was pretty much asleep during the triage, but he did help me get the super complicated gown on, too many snaps!
So the baby was good, but upon checking the fluids, they said that they were not amniotic fluid so they sent us home. So that was good.... it was good to time the trip in the evening and give a practice run... although Neil took us a bit quicker than expected. We made it in 40 minutes! Got some McDonalds afterward since Neil had missed dinner. I nibbled on fries.. mmm.. So we were home in bed by midnight.
So beyond that, just waiting for labor to get going! I suppose I could try some spicy food... did some walking this morning. Hot showers. Eh... we will see I suppose. We are 2 cm dilated 50% effaced, blood pressure is still good (120/70 - higher than previous) - and the doc keeps telling Neil to do "his part" to help get the cervix soft, he giggled. But all is good! Head was down, I hope he stays that way! I keep doing the exercises.
I will be happy when the heart burn is gone! It's terrible! I just am so surprised it's still so bad.
We, Or I guess I had our last Hypnobirthing class last night. I went without Neil so he could finish the tile work in the spare bathroom... but unfortunately not done yet. Maybe today? SO I am hoping that gets done, but Mom will be here tonight so guess she will be sharing our crappy bathroom for a day or so. Maybe I will take mom to the Boat Show or the Green show in D.C.
I just am getting so impatient! I feel so heavy - 167 lbs at my Wednesday visit, ugh. We have another doc's appt next week, but I hope we don't make it to then! I hope!!!!
OK, well enough about baby! Saw a preying mantis when I got home and then took a nap! Hmm... nap! Nice. I guess I needed it cause I slept for 2 hours! OK, time to get the baby room and Halloween decorations going!

I decided to get moving early enough to get a cup of coffee at City Dock before the Sailboat show rush in Annapolis (Big boat show!). Everyone was super friendly this morning, lots of good mornings! It was so pleasant. I grabbed the camera and got my white chocolate mocha decaf and a gingerbread muffin that was deee-lish! I sat down, ate, and then took a stroll up Main Street. It was nice and cool out and lots of people getting the day started. It was lovely.
While taking my walk and checking out the windows and the goodies behind the windows, I saw my reflection and its so tough to accept the reflection. I don't totally feel the way I look (well there are moments - like when I can't get off the couch). I had to snap the picture you see above! My belly sticks out so far! I got a couple comments today, and it's fun to say... "well, my due date is tomorrow actually!".
SO for those that don't know, Monday night we had a bit practice run. I went to lunch with Neil and I had a gush of fluid come down while I was on the toilet. It was a bit strange because it was a lot of fluid but not enough to really be my water breaking. But we had read that it can come down a little here and a little there. I kept flowing the rest of the day, so we called Labor and Delivery at Bethesda Naval Hospital and they told us to eat, shower and come in. So we did, we took our time and got there around 2100 and they put me on a monitor and did an internal check. The monitor was neat, but for 30 minutes I had to sit tight, and Gustave kicked the monitor the entire time! It was super cute! Neil was pretty much asleep during the triage, but he did help me get the super complicated gown on, too many snaps!
So the baby was good, but upon checking the fluids, they said that they were not amniotic fluid so they sent us home. So that was good.... it was good to time the trip in the evening and give a practice run... although Neil took us a bit quicker than expected. We made it in 40 minutes! Got some McDonalds afterward since Neil had missed dinner. I nibbled on fries.. mmm.. So we were home in bed by midnight.
So beyond that, just waiting for labor to get going! I suppose I could try some spicy food... did some walking this morning. Hot showers. Eh... we will see I suppose. We are 2 cm dilated 50% effaced, blood pressure is still good (120/70 - higher than previous) - and the doc keeps telling Neil to do "his part" to help get the cervix soft, he giggled. But all is good! Head was down, I hope he stays that way! I keep doing the exercises.
I will be happy when the heart burn is gone! It's terrible! I just am so surprised it's still so bad.
We, Or I guess I had our last Hypnobirthing class last night. I went without Neil so he could finish the tile work in the spare bathroom... but unfortunately not done yet. Maybe today? SO I am hoping that gets done, but Mom will be here tonight so guess she will be sharing our crappy bathroom for a day or so. Maybe I will take mom to the Boat Show or the Green show in D.C.
I just am getting so impatient! I feel so heavy - 167 lbs at my Wednesday visit, ugh. We have another doc's appt next week, but I hope we don't make it to then! I hope!!!!
OK, well enough about baby! Saw a preying mantis when I got home and then took a nap! Hmm... nap! Nice. I guess I needed it cause I slept for 2 hours! OK, time to get the baby room and Halloween decorations going!
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