The hospital stay was a night or two at the motel 6. I had no idea we would be there for three days. We checked in/admitted 10 October around lunch and were not released until 13 October just before lunch. But I must say we were we well taken care of.
So the first night was not much of a night, but we did get a few hours of sleep. The doctors/nurses kept coming in to do vital signs and check ups on me and the baby though. I also had the option for room service during meal times, room service!!
Neil had a couch to sleep on that pulled out and the nurses provided sheets and blankets. The first night was the only night he slept there alone. The hospital bed I had to sleep in was uncomfortable so I snoozed with him and most of the time with the baby - since he (little man) wanted to eat or at least try eating most of the time. Did I mention I was wearing the funky pink hospital gown the whole time? All open in the back to make my check ups and potty breaks easier? I had no modesty!
After the birth, my mom went to the Navy lodge for the night and we settled down for some rest.
12 Oct/Sunday - Neil picked up my mom who got a few hours of shut eye. I am glad she was able to relax and get a bit of rest. She was ecstatic to enjoy the baby during the day and we were able to get some rest. Mom and Neil also went out to get some breakfast treats from a local Madelines... yum yum! I highly recommend knowing eateries in the area of your hospital - send for food if youThe nurses were great too, they helped me getting him breastfeeding. (Definitely request a lactation consultant if you can).
The Mommy Diaper
As for my recovery, swollen feet and ankles, pain in my feet, numb toes, achy back, tired/exhausted/excited!, swollen face (all the edema was from all the fluids they pushed into me during labor), urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids and pain in the nether regions.
For my hoo-haha I was given ice pack sanitary napkins.. yes, the all in one! You pop them just like an instant ice pack and viola, cold huge sanitary napkin, but wait there's more. You put a chux pad (google it) under the pad and in your lovely hospital issued mesh underwear!

Chux pads (like the ones they put under your hiney at the OB/GYN)
Very exciting stuff... what gets better is that every time I peed, I have to use this little water bottle (and I still am) to wash the area up and then recreate the mommy diaper since I normally peed a little on in trying to get to the toilet in a hurry and the mess of the afterbirth. Yup, all the fun stuff of recovery. Just be prepared for taking your time and drink plenty of fluids. And in the words of Harmony Skillman, "take the stool softener". Yes, do it! It will help you pass the poo much easier since you will have hemorrhoids, but don't go too many days with it, I got a bit of diarrhea by the sixth day... so now I am good and will take them as necessary.
So lot's of peeing, some poop, and lots of foot swelling. So as my body started getting rid of the fluids my swelling went down. My face was so puffy too, so was little man's but that I am sure was because he squeezed his way out (or got pulled really).
Urinary Incontinence
I peed myself - advice for new mothers - just after birth, be cautious, go to the bathroom often, use the perineum shower bottle... and just be patient with your body - it's been through a lot.
I didn't make it to the toilet seat about four or six times... Yes I peed on my feet, the seat, myself... I laughed, there was nothing more I could do. Clean it up and try to make it sooner next time.
Food at the Hospital
If someone offers take it! My mom and Neil and a local friend - Lynn Carbone, took care of us so very well. I had french pastries two days and a home cooked meal from Lynn the third day. It was wonderful! The help is underrated, I was able to take naps and get some rest between feedings. Having mom there was helpful. Eat though! You need the energy!
Looking at yourself afterward
I was so curious when I was at the hospital. When I took a shower I took a look at what was left of my body. I suppose I must have lost about 15 pounds during my hospital stay... 7 lb baby, 1-2 placenta... fluids (amniotic fluid, pee). Eh.. not sure, but it's about a week later and I am about 20 lbs lighter than the week before delivery. So must be a good sign! I am loosing weight yeah!! I weighed in at the doctor's yesterday (9 days after deliver) and I was 147 lbs. Ugh.. it's so difficult to look at. So back to the visual. I will have to take a picture too.
My tummy was so squishy just after... it felt like jello. It was so lose, like your grandmother's arms! LOL! Well ok so it was funny and it hung there and it felt strange as I walked around, it seemed to flop around. Walking was challenging, not because of the stitches, but because it just felt like everything was going to fall out from between my legs. I felt shaky and uncomfortable, almost like I had done too many sit ups combined with bad gas! I don't know it just felt odd and had yet not taken any Tylenol or Motrin for any pain (I have not at all actually and they supplied me with both in case I need them). I didn't want to touch down there either, it was just freaky not being able to see it (belly hanging in the way, and generally not being able to bend appropriately yet).
When I got home though I broke out the mirror... umm... yeah... so it was red, duh, I found my three stitches carefully. They ache now! They out right hurt really. Umm... everything was a little messed up and well... oh well, it's healing. Doc said it was fine, and it would heal no problem, he never had a case of someone getting infected or having problems. Lovely right? Well anyways, it's healing and I am sure in a few weeks (6 week follow up) my doc will find it all well.
OK enough about my nether regions.
If you are pregnant, just be prepared, you loose all inhibitions, I used the pot with the door open, I just didn't care, everyone was checking everything out. Every time the nurses came by they would check where my uterus was (to make sure it was shrinking and firmness) and they would check my mommy diaper to see how my bleeding was. My bleeding is fine damn it. It slowed quickly and is not too bad now even (10 days after delivery).
Good News: Everyday the belly is getting smaller! I can't wait till it goes down a bit more and I can see the goodies again!
More in the weeks to come!
1 comment:
Dear person who invented the maxi pad/ice pack combo: You are my hero...
BF BF BF you burn so many calories. Here I am at 7 months post-partum and I am 2 pounds lighter than I was the day I got preg. I cant eat enough calories to keep. 500 a day BFing + I walk SOOO much pushing a 40lb stroller around. ALTHOUGH.. not all my smallest pants fit, cause the weigh does redistribute and my tummy is still more jello-y than I would like. But the weight will come off, not right at first, but it will go down!!!!!!!
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