Yeah we are almost there! I am not sure I could be more uncomfortable at this point! Having this belly is a lot of work and it always seems in the way!
Last week the doctor confirmed 1 cm dilated/20% effaced, so things are moving along as anticipated. This has been such a normal run of the mill pregnancy, I can only hope his birth day will be as "normal" as well! I just can't wait. Every little ache and braxton hicks contraction I keep wondering is this it, is he coming? Last night I had three pretty good braxton hicks but nothing... I just got up to use the head and went back to sleep ((sigh)).
Tonight is the full moon though and they say that there is an increased possibility that your waters can break because of the gravitational pull... but we don't have major tides here so I think Gustave will probably dictate when he comes out! He's the boss now!
Friday at work, omg my colleagues all surprised me good! My Navy division decided to send one of my guys over to me with a "problem" and that I had to meet him at noon. When he came by basically we searched for a place to talk and when we got to the small conference room everyone was there! They had gotten me a cake and some lovely organic gifts for the little man! It was so cute! We sat and enjoyed one another's company over cake! I just was floored, they got us some really sweet things and it was just over the top!!! I am so happy!
But it doesn't end there. Just when I thought the people hated me so and told me I have a manning meeting to go to on Friday 1300... I open the door to the other conference room to find cake and flower and more gifts! I couldn't believe it... (I really didn't think the staff where I work cared for me that much). But it was super sweet... it seemed a little forced which made me uncomfortable, but I felt myself blushing as I walked in. SO had more cake with some lovely folk and got some beautiful clothes - hand knits, the cutest gap outfit ever and a couple Winnie the Pooh outfits sooooo cute! Flowers ... adorning my kitchen.. it's amazing how nice people really can be... when you are pregnant! Haha... it seems there is extra special attention given to pregos... but hey.. here at the end of it all... I know why now... it's tough getting around, coming to work and putting in the long hours wrapping up everything. I have been working 10 hour days trying to just get everything turned over!!! I am a work-a-holic... that's what I have decided.
Think I might go for a walk this morning.. I was waiting for Neil to get up in case he wanted to join me, but oh well... I try to let him sleep in when he can, since he continues to remind me how much he will miss the sleeping when Gustave comes.
So I was going to put a picture of my belly button up... but... upon seeing the photo... I don't think so... it was much cuter in the mirror than in a close up photo! So I will spare you! It's kinda star shaped but not that pretty! Enjoy the week! Next post will hopefully be about a birth day... if not, oh well!
1 comment:
let everyone spoil you now AND when the baby comes! I guess Gustave is it (on the name?) take care, and please enjoy sleep now. I am still so tired. 6 months and 2 weeks, and we are still not sleeping thru the night. Someday...
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