Gustave is now 13 weeks! Tomorrow he will be three months and he is such a little peach. He still has schedule issues but he's enjoying life and growing like a weed... actually maybe faster than a weed, it's wild. He has to be almost 20 pounds now, and he has outgrown about all his 3 month clothes. I started buying 12 months clothes so it will last him a bit longer.
This week's top story.
I decided yesterday would be a great day to go for a short stroll in Annapolis and get a bite to eat. It was chilly so we all got very very bundled up and went. Gus got to wear one of his cutie outer layers... he was warm warm warm, I wanted to be him. Well we went to Treaty of Paris, a little restaurant in one of the Inns of Maryland - very very old hotels in the heart of Annapolis. They had two fireplaces and one was crackling and smelling lovely. We had popovers as an app and then lovely breakfasts (traditional eggs, waffles etc). It was yum. Gus was also using his new seat and sat at the table with us.. he was so cute until he decided to start fussing. He had not pooped the day prior and it was bound (no pun intended. . . heehe) to come at the most inconvienent of times. Sure enough I fed him a little and there it came... we were the only ones in the restaurant thank goodness, because it was rather inappropriate, the sounds were icky.. we were laughing and glad to hear him feeling better. But now he was uncomfortable, I went to go change him in this historic building, so of course there was no change table. On top of the sink counter here's my naked babe... and he had pooped everywhere, it blew out the back of the diaper, yellow stuff everywhere... all the way up his back all over his under shirt onsie... omg, it was just everywhere, so I pull the diaper away, and trying to avoid collateral damage... oh yeah I just threw the onsie away too, after dissecting it way from his little body. The stuff was so nuclear it glowed on my skin! He's now crying, and naked in the bathroom. A lady that walked through giggled with me a little, I think she knew my pain. The outfit is toast too, I can't rationally put it back on him... it's totally gross! I am not sure it will recover, it was one of those fuzzy velour outfits. Ug, so I put the spit up cloth on him and hustle down stairs so that I can get back to the table where I left the diaper bag with his new chnage of clothes. Poor little man... he was upset, and he nursed a few more minutes and we go on our way. The cool air was appealing to him, he seems to like it. Well he went to sleep within minutes and enjoyed the rest of our outing (we got hot cocoas!).
The fun... after that we actually went to Toys R Us, the kid is outgrowing his infant car seat fast, in another week or two he will have to switch as he will not fit the darn thing. LOL.. I just can't believe how fast he grows!
Nuclear Poop in the heart of historic Annapolis? Alert Homeland Security! Seal off the area! Call in the HAZMAT teams and by all means take out the trash. Sheesh they just pick the wrong place to release great volumes of "That Stuff". Sounds like Mommyhood is fun for you and he is a handsome devil.
Your the funniest! Poor gassy gussy'
hey we have another car seat believe it or not for a toodler if you need to lend that? It was given to me by a customer!
Hope you have a greaT weekend. Your better than me, I plan on staying in ( fingers crossed). Having a hot chocolate and those amazing cookies you made me. Yummmmmoooo.
Love yA
of course he waits till you are out and about! as my brother in law says, infant clothes are basically disposable. Connor did find a way to alwasy poop when we were at playdates, and in his nicer outfits. Yesterday he pooped on the plane ride back from NC, and it was a big one, luckily jet blue has infant changing tables in the tiny bathrooms. a little got on his shirt, but give the tight quarters, I just let it ride.
Connor is going to be 10 months old this week and still rocking the infant car seat! I have the big britax still in the box ( you can get sales on amazon) but especially since we dont have a car, I will prob keep him in the bucket seat/snap and go for our trip to florida in two weeks. he is 28" so one inch shy of the max and he is skinny minny guy at 17lbs or so!!!
I dont know if you knew this or not but it is completely normal for breastfed babies to go up to a week without pooping but when they do eventually go it is a catastrophe, poo everywhere, when washing his outfit rinse teh poo off with cold water(hot will set in the stains) and use some spray n wash or some other pretreater and it shall all come out.
This is Heather BTW.
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