Or really just don't get sick. I got sick and now my milk is drying up. I am in a bit of a panic in hopes of it will come back with constant water intake and baby stimulation. I don't know if it was the sudafed or if it's just because I am sick but it's sad. I don't want little man to have to suffer! He will have to take the bottle!!! He is getting so fussy at the breast!
Oh I just can't wait to be better. Think positive, think positive. It seems to me from what I have read that the milk will return once the illness is gone. So keep thinking positive!
The kiddo seems to be feeling a heck of a lot better though. He has some mild congestion and from some readings, kids never get it as bad as you do as long as they are breastfeeders. Neat stuff. I guess all those great antibodies my body is making to fight them off are being passed. Yum!
So my ear is still clogged, and everything sounds to me as if I was sitting in a box or something. Makes it difficult to carry on any conversation or watch TV. Fun stuff.
On the good note, mom is here for the weekend and is hanging out and made us some soup yesterday (Neil is sick too) which was super nice. Oh and she made some muffins. mmm. Not that I can taste, but I can imagine tastes. Not being able to smell put a kink in my taste reception. It stinks... or actually it doesn't.. hehe.. pun intended!
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