Mean people muted, work week completed somewhat, and some paint on our walls.. that sums the week up! I love Friday, and I only worked three days this week! I took Tuesday off and Wed I was at a conference, Thursday I proctored the CPO Advancement exam, and today, well today I left work at noon... I don't feel well and I am waiting on Eric to come and finish painting parts of the house - finally making more progress in the house. Got rid of that 'Home depot' orange color! Yeah!
So Gus and I are still completely sick, stuffy, coughing, achy yucky. He has been sleeping a lot and loosing some weight. I think he has been loosing weight since he started day care though, I dunno, we will see, but he's happy and the doc gave me some tylenol in case his fever gets too high. But all in all it's the boogers that are getting us down.. not being able to breath at night sucks!
SO funny story, has of my breastfeeding moms squirted themselves in the eye yet? I don't know what I was doing but I was trying to get little man latched, and surely... I moved the wrong way, flinched and all of a sudden, and I saw it coming, a stream of milk aimed at my cornea... eeek... it got me! I was laughing so hard! It was funny...
I need to go lay down though and catch some zzzzz's while I can.. Gus is napping from the car still (in his car seat too still.. is that bad?). But I am going to grab him and snuggle with him. sigh.. working for the weekends... I understand the song much better now.
Connor still naps so well in his car seat... love that bucket seat that you can just transfer around! Have a great weekend.
yes i have squirted my eyeball before. some of my children have also had their eyeballs flooded. I think i might of gotten Michael a couple times. Yourr the super curios one have you tried tasting your milk yet?
Way to grow Gus. CLose to 20 lbs and approaching the 4 month mark sounds about right. YOU are doing GREAT Christine. as for sleeping in the carseat nothing wrong with that heck it may even help with his breathing. Hope you two get to feeling better soon.
Heather, yes, I have tasted it, in fact I do frequently to see how it changes and if Gus likes some better than others. It's wild though, it's just different.
I squirted Neil too but that's another story... ;)
Thanks for the comments!!!
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