I have to get this off my chest.
People are mean. They always say kids are mean, but really, those kids just grow up to be mean adults! The poking fun, the bullies, the gossipers, and evil doers. They all grow up and it seems I always have one or two in my life that I just can't get rid of. It must be some sort of karma or the balance of good and evil ever present. At work there is one man that just has it out for me. He's not even in the Navy but he has made it his job from the minute I returned to work (actually it started back in August) to make my life miserable and make sure I have a worse shot at promotion. He even thinks I am only "in it for me" and my promotion. The guy is a piece of work. I am one of the most altruistic people I know, and somehow I was called
caustic by this guy's buddy - to my face! It's amazing, I can't wait until I am not in a line of work where you have to step over one another to be in the good graces with the people above you. I don't kiss butt and I take care of all those I work with... hmm... I know I am doing good and practicing good leadership, I don't need some unhappy unmarried childless old airman that can't retire because he institutionalized to tell me who he thinks I am. OK, I feel better, I will stick to what I know and avoid this tyrant from here out, as long as I don't have to work for him again... sigh. I truly believe the world works in mysterious ways, because I was overlooked for the position that would have had me working for him, and that's probably a good thing, it will keep me sane, and hopefully off this guy's radar in time.
On to more fun things... ever seen this link? http://www.peeandpoo.com
I feel I have now seen it all.. you can make a stuffed animal out of anything... it's no longer limited to "animals". LOL!
I feel better already! I took Tuesday off and the federal government took Monday off (MLK Day!), so I have a nice long four day weekend with my little man! I love spending time with him and seeing those smiles. We went to the mall yesterday and I bought
my first pair of non-pregnancy jeans. It was scary... I ended up in the Gap, they have some cute long sleeves I bought a couple weeks ago. SO I stopped in again, their jeans are so soft. I mean they are pricey but they were well made. I have to stop buying crap. I cheap out and my clothes always fall apart. Soooo I tried on the 10 short and viola, I fit, I tried on the 12 and it was just slightly too big but they would have been more comfortable. I convinced myself to purchase the
size 10 - and remind myself that I am still loosing some more of this weight if I ever get back in the gym! It's hard to believe a year ago I was wearing a size 6, ((sigh)) but I guess a little extra effort will help me get back there! So there you have it! I am going to wear them today, with my new green stripped shirt and a normal bra. I also stopped in to Victoria's Secret and treated myself to a couple new bras. So get this, I measured in at a 36D! I have never been much of a bra wearer because I was so small. I went from sub-A cup to a D! Amazing! And the girls weren't even full (of milk) at the time of measure! So she had me try a few on and they were great! So I bought two, it was a splurge. VS is super expensive, but it was fun and it made me feel so good about myself.
Mall strolling. Walking the mall can be bad for the wallet but great for my mind and body. I get moving. I walked the mall yesterday for about 4 hours. I had to have burned some calories! Maybe I should go for another walk earlier today with the babe, avoiding the crowds. Hmm.. Tomorrow I have my walking group from meetup.com. It's fun the gal that runs it is a trainer and she has us do all sort of calisthenics.
MORE POOP! If you can stand another poop story here goes: We were sleeping away, all three of us in the family bed and Gus was stirring. He was a bit hungry and I rolled over and provided him his usual late night buffet and then he starts fidgeting, and whining. I figured maybe gas and sure enough he starts letting them go. I giggle. He had not pooped in a day and a half and it sounded like here it was going to come, at 2 in the morning. Yup... I heard him sigh in relief. And then more, and more. I knew I had to change his drawers. But of course, all that back up... it was everywhere. No sooner did I undo his Pajamas did I find poop. It was all the way up his back. I had to give him a wet wipe bath, I was trying not to wake Neil, but I was laughing. Thank goodness he let us know at least, it would have been a nightmare to clean him if he had been sitting in it all night.. eww.. Well it took us a bit to get back to sleep so we actually hung out in his room in the rocker.. that rocker was so worth it! I can actually sleep on it with him when we need to. He is so cute but I wish he could fall asleep better. He's just a wakeful little guy sometimes. Like last night. He was all awake for a short while, but slept most of the evening so when it came time to go up and we stretched it a little late to like 11pm he had been out a while! But in moving him he woke up, and didn't go back to sleep till around 1230. I tried to put him down and he wasn't having it. We found him his favorite pacifier (the Soothie) and he went to town but not to sleep. So finally I had to pick him up and walk him around the room. Neil wanted to bring him down stairs but I try to discourage it. He will get into a bad habit and TV is not the answer, he needs to learn to bore himself to sleep. So I gave in and brought him to bed and finally we all passed out. I am exhausted though, it's been a few nights that I have not quiet slept right. He wakes me up all the time, so I get broken sleep normally but the other night the couple hours we spent awake killed me. So here I am avoiding going back to bed because I know it's such a struggle. And my eyes hurt. I hear Neil stirring upstairs. Something tells me little man is awake.
Time to go up... it's almost 7 am.. I only pumped 2 ounces which means the little guy ate more than I thought before I came down.
Have a great week everyone!!