Just finished a little run walk and was trying to get some good 20 week pictures for this morning's blog.. but they are ok.. putting all pride aside I will post them here for the benefit of others! ;)
So two of the pics were this morning and the other one is yesterday in Annapolis, behind me you can see the state capital. We love our little town to say the least.
The miracles of week 20 yet do not come with their own set of strange and unimaginable feelings and experiences. This week the cramps on the sides of my belly feel strange... those round muscles I suppose will keep stretching until this guy reaches his full size.. it's amazing to feel. Kicks get stronger by the day it seems... I was getting my hair cut yesterday and while the lady was washing it I had my hands on my belly and I felt some good ones! I suppose soon it will be a regular regular occurrence.
My bowels could do me the favor and get on a regular schedule but well I hear that will not happen for some time. I have been able to avoid long periods of constipation but still having ups and downs.. cherries and fiber fortified foods seem to help (say that three times fast). Running helps too.. makes me have to go ... so I can never go to far from the house! ;)
Hunger is kicking up! I am always hungry but I can't seem to ever get enough food in... it's a strange feeling.. I eat and then I am still hungry but my food is practically coming back up my esophagus.. very uncomfortable, so trying to eat blander food and not over stuffing myself.. more frequent small meals best...
Vices.. I have encountered my vices... not cravings, but vices. When we go to breakfast I find it difficult to no order french toast.. so yummy... i never ate it much before, but now... I can't help it. The second.. cold dairy products... Ritas Soft Serve Custard... Milk shakes... yum! Have to watch that! But guess since I am still going to the gym I don't feel too bad about it all.. I am making myself so hungry talking about this.. but I am waiting for Neil to wake up!
Other items ... naps... yeah I have been napping a lot.. I can sleep so much but never through the night. But that might have to do with my frequent trips to the pot to alleviate my small squished bladder.
Well beyond all that it's just been interesting adjusting to having this belly and not getting a complex over it! But that's the girl in me... I feel beautiful most days and am absolutely amazed by the miracle that is going on inside my body but can't help but have some sad or fleeting thoughts of how will go for the next few months. Time to keep occupied with this house, the registry and with getting ready! ;)
You ARE beautiful, mija! Mommies are all so beautiful. It's a miracle really how they look so pretty to their husbands while they're big as houses. You're not even near that big, and you probably won't be. For you are, after all, a delicate, petite flower! And you are taking such good care of both you and little Reuben James Rubin! :^) You can't reach me to sock me from there! Luv ya!!!!! ~Nikki W.
you look amazing! Please keep posting belly pics. You are too f'n cute!
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