It's another week and I think I woke up with a belly one morning and was wondering where it came from. It's almost an awkward feeling, I was thinner one week and this week I have no waistline.. hmm... huh, ok. My WiiFit says I am 132 pounds. I am up about 10 pounds from January... so that's a total of 10 pounds gained so far.. and we are about half way through... I fear what's to come! Eeek! But I keep reminding myself healthy baby, healthy baby!
Speaking of babies, the little thing in Neil's hands is one of two of our new pets.. sugar gliders! They are sooo cute, and his is named Charlie. I have not quiet named my munchkin but she looks like a betsy... we will see.. she is still too shy for camera shots but in due time!
I have been feeling movements almost every day! It's amazing, he or she is suttle but I can feel it and it just is so neat. So says we are about 6 inches long or the size of a heirloom tomato.... yum.. and the baby's skin is now covered with a waxy like substance that will protect his or her skin from pickling in the amniotic fluid.. yum.
Cravings.. so far... I have been really good but every time we go out for breakfast on the weekends, I need french toast. I never ate it much before but seems I am on a french toast kick. Sometimes if I can I order only two slices (half slices) but this morning went to a new place called Metro diner.. so yummy.. I ate all 5 half pieces they gave me.. it was delish ... had a bit of a belly ache after, couldn't move too fast. Still tiled most of the second bathtub today though.. fun times (took about 5 hours!!).
Other cravings.. soft icecream and milkshakes. Major weakness. Been trying to get fruit shakes when I crave the goodness.. but that's ok.. I hear milk shakes are good in moderation.
Still running a bit.. nothing crazy, I will run only about a mile... I feel horrible but I just can't do much more. I get out there and my bowels wake up! It feels good to go for walks/runs though. At least I am still getting out there! Tomorrow I will be in the gym... the machines are better on my knees. I did read about a woman that was an ultra marathoner, she did a marathon while 26 weeks pregnant! She's my hero! I am reading a book on running and pregnancy and it seems that if you are up to it and have been a runner before (In December I was running 10 miles at a shot for training)... but man pregnancy really slows you down! If my bowels would cooperate I would probably go further... need to work on that! We will see how long I run into this pregnancy!
So next Friday 22 May we have our next Ultrasound... and if all goes well we should find out if our little one has a hot dog or a hamburger between his/her legs ! I can't wait... we are so excited! It's another big day for us! ! ! We went to ikea the other day and they have some of the neatest and some of the simplest cribs... probably will go that route since the prices are best there for something we are only going to have about 2 years.
So awkwardness... when you look down and your can't see below the bump.. you have to look around your belly to see what's going on down "there", there's a bump there that wasn't there before, your tattoos slowly begin to migrate out of my line of sight, when I walk I realize it has it's own SHAKE, I have a tendancy to waddle if I don't think about my footing, my feet hurt if I stand around too long (how embarrassing), I get so tired I have to stop what I am doing and either move or fall asleep, my boobs keep growing.. not sure when they will stop... what else is awkward... eh.. nothing more for now.. I am sure it will be more interesting as the weeks begin to fly and the belly starts to swell! Yeah!!!
More to come next week... pray we can see what he or she is!
Sugar Gliders! I had a couple of them for a little while, caught them in the back yard & they got loose again in a few weeks. The only thing I can warn you about is thier urine smells like sour oranges. So go with metal/plastic enclosure, you can't get wood clean enough to get the smell out. If your feet are hurting that badly, please keep an eye on swelling in your ankles. Retaining fluids is not good, so please be careful. Nothing will quit growing for months now. LOL. My ex used to shave my legs for me cuz I couldn't get down there any more. And use lotion a lot so you don't get stretch marks on your beautiful art work. But if you do, just remember, stretch marks are beauty marks from creating life. Love you.
Aww mama! I love reading about your experience with LIFE inside of you! SO great to see your pictures and such. Your belly is adorable. So hilarious that you crave milkshakes. Is there a SONIC nearby!?! (milkshakes and TOTS) lol I am sitting at Tokyo Narita Airport getting ready to fly back for GOOD!! Yay, can you believe it! I can't wait to see you and your baby bump and boobs (hahahahaha) Gonna go look at your house pictures you posted. You two have stayed so busy....getting ready for the li'l one. Can't wait to see yous....and can't wait to find out if 'they' are sportin a hot dog or hamburger! Love you much mama!
yeah updates!!!you look fabulicious.. 10lbs, that is nothing... i gained 37 so basically a lb a week...although i gained alot in the beginning and not so much at the end... i think your body does what its gotta do.
i like your cravings! enjoy it! i cant wait till friday... text me when you find out hot dog or hamburger!
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