So walking or running through the neighborhood I have been finding out we have quiet a population of wild animals!
We have a band of Ospreys who frequently can be seen soaring or hunting over the water (saw one eating a snake the other day). I was running down one of our roads here the other morning and two came swooping down, one had a large object in his clench. His claws were so big! I felt like I had a front row ticket to the Discovery channel during filming! Well a few crows were nagging them and they were trying to divert from them, but they dropped their prize. I ran over to see what the crows had won and sure enough it was a fish as long as my forearm! Wild! It was still kind of a alive, but I am sure the birds remedied that. The cycle of life!
So fox sightings! The first time I saw the fox here was one night while he ran across the street. The second time Neil and i were sitting on our front porch and sure enough one walked passed us just in front of the house. He must have not minded us as we were quiet still. One afternoon we were in the kitchen working and we saw him walking around our yard like he owned the place, it was day light so that was a bit odd, but got to see him in all his color! The last week I have been able to see him walking on our patio in the wee hours 0500ish. He's just walking around sniffing and checking things out. I suppose he cannot have his den too far if he's by our house this frequently.
Deer... we have a bunch of deer here too. I have seen one walking in the neighbor's yard one morning (early!) and just eating and walking around on his own. I have seen many but further in the neighboring community. Many new ones too.. bambis!
Well as for some of the others... we have cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, black birds, crows, yellow breasted sparrows of some sort, and robins. They are very neat to watch and we can see many in the back yard (especially since we feed them!).
Oh and lots of squirrels! We also recently added a couple darlings to our family, yes in our home, two sugar gliders. As soon as they are better bonded with us we will try to snap some photos!
Well thanks for listening, tune in next time for the animal show! Oh and week 19 of the pregnancy will be posted this weekend too.. I need to take some belly shots!
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