Sunday, May 31, 2009

21 Weeks: Attack of Sad.

It's Sunday AGAIN! We are 21 weeks along now~ and the babe is supposed to be weighting in at 3/4 pounds! He's been kicking up a storm too!

It's WILD! As the weeks keep passing I can't believe the changes to my body! It's still so amazing, nature is amazing! My belly is definitely sticking out (from where I am sitting!) but sometimes I am shocked there is still so much to go and how much more my body will continue to change in order to carry this tike around! None of my pre-pregnancy clothes truly are comfortable any more, except for a pair of Nike work out pants, but now it's shorts weather and I am going to have to purchase a pair! It's just so incredible to be two! I am no longer me, I am we... it's pretty neat and all at the same time it's such a part of the normal life cycle!

Attack of Sad. So these mood swings are wild and come on just like when you are getting sick. I was having an ok morning at work, taking care of business prior to heading to Spanish class at 1030 a.m. on Friday. I hop in my truck, half way through my 10 minute drive I feel overwhelming sadness and frustration. I feel I can't cope. I put the radio on, that doesn't distract me, I try to think about work things, that doesn't work, I call Neil and the tears come. So now I am crying about nothing much, the thoughts in my head about why people are so mean and horrible don't leave my mind, poor Neil can't really do much about it, but I ened up falling to pieces. I can't go to class... I can't focus on anything.. only sad things and things that have been frustrating me (work, house, hunger, being rushed). Soooo I can't go to class, I can't compose myself. Neil and I go get lunch so I can calm down but I am still feeling "on edge". Tears come and go, frustration and sad lurking in my soul. We go to the leadership program graduation and that distracts me, I have Sailors graduating and I am happy for them. But now it's p.m. I have missed class. I had done all my homework too. I was prepared! Darn it. So it's weird, I get "attack of sad" now and again. It's almost amazing to feel it coming, Neil comforts me sometimes, other times I just go walk the mall or try to read a book. TV works best though, really distracts my anxiety. So no solid panic attack since December but I still get some anxiety some evenings.

So back to happier thoughts and moments. The kitchen is almost done... The last couple cabinets should be in today and we can voe to start installing the floor! So exciting! We still have so much to do.

Bought our first baby clothes this past week too! Baby clothes!!! THere is a store in our town that's going out of business, she carries all european clothes, very quality. We spent about 100 dollars there... eek.. but we got some adorable pieces!!! We also got some used items for a lot less from a gal we work with... so starting to collect some winter pieces so we are prepared. The registry is underway too! We are registered at Babies R Us... it seemed to be the thing to do and it's also a good way to give us a shopping list! Fun fun stuff! Got all the invitations for the shower made... we are actually doing a co-ed shower hosted by me and hubby... we are so excited. I can't say that enough apparently but we really are. I just can't wait to meet this little man in my belly!!!

Ok well time to get today started. I have to go do laundry out in town since our water system has a part out for repair. Basically our water is still useable to shower and wash hands but it has heavy iron content without this one piece doing it's thing... soooo a few more days, we are waiting for it to get back here from the Water Right people.

Have a great WEEK!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Week 20 - It's a boy banana!

He's as long as a banana!!! Yes it's a he! We had our 20 week ultrasound Friday at Bethesda and it was amazing to watch. To see our little one moving around waving his hands and feet at us was incredible! Neil has felt his first kick or two and it brings me so much joy to let him finally feel what I have been feeling for a few weeks. Seems like the tike's pretty active in there!

Just finished a little run walk and was trying to get some good 20 week pictures for this morning's blog.. but they are ok.. putting all pride aside I will post them here for the benefit of others! ;)

So two of the pics were this morning and the other one is yesterday in Annapolis, behind me you can see the state capital. We love our little town to say the least.

The miracles of week 20 yet do not come with their own set of strange and unimaginable feelings and experiences. This week the cramps on the sides of my belly feel strange... those round muscles I suppose will keep stretching until this guy reaches his full size.. it's amazing to feel. Kicks get stronger by the day it seems... I was getting my hair cut yesterday and while the lady was washing it I had my hands on my belly and I felt some good ones! I suppose soon it will be a regular regular occurrence.

My bowels could do me the favor and get on a regular schedule but well I hear that will not happen for some time. I have been able to avoid long periods of constipation but still having ups and downs.. cherries and fiber fortified foods seem to help (say that three times fast). Running helps too.. makes me have to go ... so I can never go to far from the house! ;)

Hunger is kicking up! I am always hungry but I can't seem to ever get enough food in... it's a strange feeling.. I eat and then I am still hungry but my food is practically coming back up my esophagus.. very uncomfortable, so trying to eat blander food and not over stuffing myself.. more frequent small meals best...

Vices.. I have encountered my vices... not cravings, but vices. When we go to breakfast I find it difficult to no order french toast.. so yummy... i never ate it much before, but now... I can't help it. The second.. cold dairy products... Ritas Soft Serve Custard... Milk shakes... yum! Have to watch that! But guess since I am still going to the gym I don't feel too bad about it all.. I am making myself so hungry talking about this.. but I am waiting for Neil to wake up!

Other items ... naps... yeah I have been napping a lot.. I can sleep so much but never through the night. But that might have to do with my frequent trips to the pot to alleviate my small squished bladder.

Well beyond all that it's just been interesting adjusting to having this belly and not getting a complex over it! But that's the girl in me... I feel beautiful most days and am absolutely amazed by the miracle that is going on inside my body but can't help but have some sad or fleeting thoughts of how will go for the next few months. Time to keep occupied with this house, the registry and with getting ready! ;)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week 19 and awkward!

It's another week and I think I woke up with a belly one morning and was wondering where it came from. It's almost an awkward feeling, I was thinner one week and this week I have no waistline.. hmm... huh, ok. My WiiFit says I am 132 pounds. I am up about 10 pounds from January... so that's a total of 10 pounds gained so far.. and we are about half way through... I fear what's to come! Eeek! But I keep reminding myself healthy baby, healthy baby!

Speaking of babies, the little thing in Neil's hands is one of two of our new pets.. sugar gliders! They are sooo cute, and his is named Charlie. I have not quiet named my munchkin but she looks like a betsy... we will see.. she is still too shy for camera shots but in due time!

I have been feeling movements almost every day! It's amazing, he or she is suttle but I can feel it and it just is so neat. So says we are about 6 inches long or the size of a heirloom tomato.... yum.. and the baby's skin is now covered with a waxy like substance that will protect his or her skin from pickling in the amniotic fluid.. yum.

Cravings.. so far... I have been really good but every time we go out for breakfast on the weekends, I need french toast. I never ate it much before but seems I am on a french toast kick. Sometimes if I can I order only two slices (half slices) but this morning went to a new place called Metro diner.. so yummy.. I ate all 5 half pieces they gave me.. it was delish ... had a bit of a belly ache after, couldn't move too fast. Still tiled most of the second bathtub today though.. fun times (took about 5 hours!!).

Other cravings.. soft icecream and milkshakes. Major weakness. Been trying to get fruit shakes when I crave the goodness.. but that's ok.. I hear milk shakes are good in moderation.

Still running a bit.. nothing crazy, I will run only about a mile... I feel horrible but I just can't do much more. I get out there and my bowels wake up! It feels good to go for walks/runs though. At least I am still getting out there! Tomorrow I will be in the gym... the machines are better on my knees. I did read about a woman that was an ultra marathoner, she did a marathon while 26 weeks pregnant! She's my hero! I am reading a book on running and pregnancy and it seems that if you are up to it and have been a runner before (In December I was running 10 miles at a shot for training)... but man pregnancy really slows you down! If my bowels would cooperate I would probably go further... need to work on that! We will see how long I run into this pregnancy!

So next Friday 22 May we have our next Ultrasound... and if all goes well we should find out if our little one has a hot dog or a hamburger between his/her legs ! I can't wait... we are so excited! It's another big day for us! ! ! We went to ikea the other day and they have some of the neatest and some of the simplest cribs... probably will go that route since the prices are best there for something we are only going to have about 2 years.

So awkwardness... when you look down and your can't see below the bump.. you have to look around your belly to see what's going on down "there", there's a bump there that wasn't there before, your tattoos slowly begin to migrate out of my line of sight, when I walk I realize it has it's own SHAKE, I have a tendancy to waddle if I don't think about my footing, my feet hurt if I stand around too long (how embarrassing), I get so tired I have to stop what I am doing and either move or fall asleep, my boobs keep growing.. not sure when they will stop... what else is awkward... eh.. nothing more for now.. I am sure it will be more interesting as the weeks begin to fly and the belly starts to swell! Yeah!!!

More to come next week... pray we can see what he or she is!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fox Sightings

So walking or running through the neighborhood I have been finding out we have quiet a population of wild animals!

We have a band of Ospreys who frequently can be seen soaring or hunting over the water (saw one eating a snake the other day). I was running down one of our roads here the other morning and two came swooping down, one had a large object in his clench. His claws were so big! I felt like I had a front row ticket to the Discovery channel during filming! Well a few crows were nagging them and they were trying to divert from them, but they dropped their prize. I ran over to see what the crows had won and sure enough it was a fish as long as my forearm! Wild! It was still kind of a alive, but I am sure the birds remedied that. The cycle of life!

So fox sightings! The first time I saw the fox here was one night while he ran across the street. The second time Neil and i were sitting on our front porch and sure enough one walked passed us just in front of the house. He must have not minded us as we were quiet still. One afternoon we were in the kitchen working and we saw him walking around our yard like he owned the place, it was day light so that was a bit odd, but got to see him in all his color! The last week I have been able to see him walking on our patio in the wee hours 0500ish. He's just walking around sniffing and checking things out. I suppose he cannot have his den too far if he's by our house this frequently.

Deer... we have a bunch of deer here too. I have seen one walking in the neighbor's yard one morning (early!) and just eating and walking around on his own. I have seen many but further in the neighboring community. Many new ones too.. bambis!

Well as for some of the others... we have cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, black birds, crows, yellow breasted sparrows of some sort, and robins. They are very neat to watch and we can see many in the back yard (especially since we feed them!).

Oh and lots of squirrels! We also recently added a couple darlings to our family, yes in our home, two sugar gliders. As soon as they are better bonded with us we will try to snap some photos!

Well thanks for listening, tune in next time for the animal show! Oh and week 19 of the pregnancy will be posted this weekend too.. I need to take some belly shots!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

17 + 1, babe is a huge hass avocado!

It's week 17+1 and things seem to be going great. I still can't believe how much I can feel him or her moving around! I am so amazed by the feelings of elation I get from this. Sometimes the babe moves more when I am hungry or sometimes when I see Neil after a long day. Speaking of hungry I have finally grown accustom to eating every couple hours. My tiny stomach just can't handle too much but man I am always hungry. Eating lots of fruit, cereals, breads, and anything good. Being vegetarian without a kitchen makes it so difficult. Eating out is such a challenge, it has become a chore, but the new kitchen is coming to life as we speak. Neil's brother Scott came up for a few days just to help us get those cabinets in, it's a wonderful time. I just can't wait to have a kitchen again - thanks Scott and Cindy!

The pictures show you how I am looking here now... body is definitely swelling. I am doing my best to move around and get some time in the gym but it's difficult some days with the house and Neil! At least the weather is better I go out for short jogs in the neighborhood when I am motivated (about once a week).

So my Chinese online gender prediction thingy (from says it will be a boy.. but hey 50/50 chance for either right? Speaking of Gender, the appointment for our big long ultrasound is 22 MAY! So expect a nice new picture then of our little one at that point! We hope to find out more about our tike!

So we haven't bought a thing for the baby yet. I suppose that after the ultrasound we will probably be able to make better decisions on the what we needs. I am just not sure when to start, but figure as soon as we know the gender we will start getting the registry together. Fun fun!

Well as my belly grows I will keep up with the pics, stay tuned! Oh and visit my facebook for updated pics on the house/kitchen!