I like wearing shoes.. which was NOT always the case
Yup, I get up, put on my cobians. I get the morning going and then on my way to the shower I only take them off just outside the tub, and promptly put them back on when I get out after I had dried my feet. I love these flippies in particular, they are super soft and worn out. I might have to get another pair. It's weird I know. In junior high after my dad passed away my family and I went on vacation to Turkey. Yes, we loved world travel as a family. And when we stopped in Ephesus... I refused to wear my shoes... so there I was walking around a very remains of an ancient city.. bare foot. I remember it hurting but I kept my mouth shut.. I was a bit of a hippie. I do love being barefoot in the summer though... maybe it's all the construction in my house? Hmm... I just don't like shoes.. too constricting.

I love mail. It's been 4 days without mail... it's so sad. I know I mostly get bills and junk but that occasional little piece of personal mail makes it all worth it! I like ordering stuff off the internet because it means I will get a package.. So ha! I keep my own mail coming. Sigh.. what happened to the days of pen pals? I think I will find a new pen pal. Even on the internet, we are so connected, yet so distracted. After school and even college I recall running out to the mail box, it was never too far... just to see what came. It's like a little present every day!
I like pulling out my extraneous hair. So primal.
Does anyone tweeze leg hair? I rationalize that I cannot get them all but it's kinda like a stress reliever. I know someone else who used to do it too on the phone when we were teens. .. so I know I am not the only one. I mean.. it's relaxing in a weird sort of self preening way. Maybe that's why monkies preen? Nah... must be a primal thing... I just am one of those people that answers those calls. Maybe I should start screening primal calls... eh.. nah.
I like big words.
Yup, love them. I have a book that teaches me words... grown up words. I get excited when I get to use one. I also get sad when they get used against me and I have to look the up.. like that "caustic" one that was worked against me... grrr. I still learned a new word, Yippie~
I love to bake.
If you didn't know.. I loooove cooking. I mean really love cooking. But only when there is someone to eat it. It's strange... if I know hubby doesn't want it, then I don't make it either.. it's boring. But if I can bring baked goods to work, I get excited like a kid.
Do you ever get so excited for no reason and feel like running or jumping? I wonder if it's happening more often because I am not exercising and using this pent up energy. I feel like a total kiddie! I get choked up even. It's fun.
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