Gustave is Mr. Independent these days. He is playing more and more on his own without having to be bothered with others. His mirror and himself laugh and play, its adorable. It's neat to see the transition as he begins to interact with the world around him, it's amazing!
As for his interaction, we have purchased him more than his fair share of little toys. He has things that ding, sing, dong, rattle, roll, talk, spell his name for him, tell him the colors in Spanish, soft things, chewy things, things that wrachet, and the list seems to go on! We love getting him things! He seems to have quiet a few favorites.. and they are usually the ones he can grasp. The ball in the picture above (Baby Einstein), and a crinkly lion (Bright Start). He seems to really love those to in particular because he can get them to his mouth. Everything goes in his mouth! He is even putting fingers in his mouth these days. About a week ago only the back of his fist would make it, but now fingers.. we will see where that goes, I suppose it will morph into thumb sucking... just so cute. He sucks on everything... Neil's arm, my belly when I am getting ready, fingers, hands, knuckles.. it's so cute. I suppose some of it is soothing. \
So how many toys are too much.. well we said two days ago that we would not over do it on the toys and then I go ahead and spend $50 in toys yesterday (baby laptop, Leap Frog's Scout, and I don't even know what.. but it must have been cute and useful). I think Gus likes the diversity and we can figure out what he likes best too.
He has also been working those vocal cords out. He will yell, gurgle, squeal (seems to be his favorite) and expects you to talk to him. he will look on to see what you will do next. So I give him conversation.. baby conversation, and even laughing, Neil and I can get him laughing by laughing at him. It's wild fun. I had no idea as babies we learn to laugh so much. It's great to see the smiles and it's completely heart warming. My world stops and I get lost in his gaze. He will stop nursing sometimes and just look up and wait for me to say something. It's so loving and there is such a connection there it's just amazing.
*Special sentiments. As we are born, others move on. Souls interchange and life goes on in mind and heart. I want to send my blessings to my friends who have lost the center of their universe, and know we are thinking of you. There is nothing one can say, just that we love you.
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