He grows like a week! I am in shock how long he has gotten in the last couple weeks. At daycare today he had two major blow outs so the lovely ladies had to change his outfits. The outfits they had as back ups were a bit too small! He has outgrown them, so he came home in this short sleeved pants falling off cowboy outfit.. sigh... mom has to provide day care some bigger back up clothes!
So 5 years ago I would have never guessed this is where I would be in my life. In fact let's see.. 2005, I was leaving San Diego, I had made Chief Petty Officer, Neil proposed to me, I was a partier, I was enjoying life to the max, I snowboarded religiously during the winters, and I was transferred to Texas. I had a click... we had friends. I had a going away dinner, I miss them, I miss OB, I miss having people. I never would have thought I would be bearing my breasts in front of other women in a small room at such an exclusive agency three times a day (Mommy room at work), I never thought I would be in a "fixer upper" that we are still renovating a year and a half later (what were we thinking, never again), I didn't think my life would change so dramatically... but it did. It's unrecognizable, my people got to busy with their own lives, and we moved away.. it happens. Oh it happens!
Here I don't have people.. yet. But instead of standing by as I did in Texas I started a meetup.com group. We will see how it goes, I have 15 mommies! Yeah! I am excited to make some new friends at similar points in life!
Now Gus is the highlight of my life, but I want to share him! Men are so different about it, I hope to share some adult conversation that doesn't revolve around work or babies (or at least all the time). I have not had a conversation in such a long time, I just don't know what I would say, I probably would revert to talk of babies! Haha..
Sigh, remember the past, enjoy the moment, and look forward to the future! I suppose I need that as a new mantra! I just feel like it's going by too fast! And we are not enjoying it with the people we love the most. Today, go remind someone you love them, and why they are such a big part of your life. . . because before you know it, it's five years later and you haven't spoken in months and maybe years!