Thanksgiving came and went and all of a sudden I feel like the world is counting down to the largest hallmark holiday of the year (which I think is actually Valentines, but roll with me). We ran through the mall today picking up a couple things and realized we about two weeks away from the big day! It's just amazing how times flies. Gus is getting bigger by the minute. Yup, as I click on the monitor (he's actually in bed before 10! - it's only 8:30pm), I can see him growing.
So what did we do all month, besides not blogging... shame on me!
Mom (or Grandma now), brother Marc and brother James came to Maryland to celebrate a wonderful Thanksgiving on the Annapolis water front. As usual our son was wonderful and slept the whole meal. He normally sleeps when we go out to dinner. It's rare that he's bad when we are out.. except when we are out with this one particular couple.. hm... nah.. it's a coincidence. Although I am going to keep my eye on that one... hmm. Interesting.
So Thanksgiving came and went and then my birthday popped up and I got a wild hair to take off to Long Island for a long weekend. So the night of my bday I hopped a Southwest flight for $80- and went to have pizza with my brother and Gus. It was fun! (Oh did I tell you Neil took me to Real Seafood.. and I got some neat gifts). Sure. So that was awesome, Gus got to meet Nanna, ma granahan, Roger and his fiancee, Tom and his girlfriend, Harmony and Gaving and Conner, Eddie, the Johnsons and Great uncle Mark and great aunt Karen to name a few. So it was great, we ran around like nuts and saw everyone, but for me it was wonderful to have adult company. Neil drove up on Friday night to help with this trip and to drive us down on Sunday afternoon. We did enjoy pizza and cookies and bagels - all the NY goodies we miss.
So flying with the little one.. I almost forgot to mention it since it was so unremarkable. Our flight was only 40 minutes. On the way up I nursed little Gustave and he never said a peep. He was cozy and comfy and slept or nursed the whole trip. It was wonderful and I can only hope he's such a saint when we fly Wednesday on our way to Florida. It's only a 2 hour flight so I hope that even if he's fussy.. well we will make it! We are flying in the morning when he's normally napping so hope that will help.
Spit happens.
So our son seems to be in the group of children who spit up a lot. It's cheesy a lot of the times and makes it rather yucky to hold him.. ewww... but sometimes it's straight skim milk too. I suppose other moms know these issues, but I was in child care the other day and my caretaker said that the other three babies she has don't have much spit up, but they are also two months older. More on that when we start child care which we are testing on Tuesday I think.
So yes, sometimes our little pooping machine spits up three or four times! But I must say when it's inconvenient he normally doesn't. So when we are out to eat he's normally wonderful! I guess it's all about not moving him around too much!
Sleeping in the Wet Spot.
Lactation, what a miracle of nature, but what a bummer to sleep next to. I leak! Or rather they leak! So when Gustave does not nurse at night I normally will wake around 5 or 6 am to a puddle of milk! As if waking up with spit up and a baby that takes up most of the bed isn't bad enough now a puddle of milk!
You thought I was going to talk about sex. Ok, well I can go there too. We gave it a whirl the other day- they leaked then too! But we will not be doing much of that, because as most women I have read about on, it's still very painful! And it's weird pain, I am not going to get into gross details, but it's totally new pain and discomfort. I don't recommend it! Tell him to take a hike for a while. That and you don't want to waste your precious milk. It just kept leaking everywhere, I was laughing, and it kept leaking... yeah very unproductive for "adult" behavior. LOL.
Baby Clothes, 0-3 don't do it!
Gustave is working himself out of most of his clothes. Now I know what the lady at the store meant when she said she bought mostly 6 month clothes when she had her son. It's almost pointless to buy newborn size and don't buy too many 0-3 either! The dryer will shrink a few items, and then they are only in them for about a month and a half. It's silly. Plus he just wears a lot of onsies with bibs. So if you are a shopaholic, buy outfits that have matching bibs. You will need them in the spit up stages. Oh and putting pants on a baby, annoying (in a sing song voice)!
Those little outfits that are all in one jumpsuits I find easier. That and you don't have to worry about socks if it has footies.
Tuesday we get shots, more on that after Tuesday. Ok, well Gustave is sleeping and I should take advantage and get my arse to bed. It's 9pm.. good enough for me!
Love your blog enlightening...and honest. :) Glad you had a great Thanksgiving, Birthday and Trip up to NY. Have a great time in Florida! Look forward to the next blog entry. Love and miss you! Give Gus kisses for me!
I went to bed at 830, but now been up for an hour with Connor crying. Im glad gus is sleeping well. I hope you never have to deal with these crazy night waking and sleep training.
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