Seven weeks to go, that's nothing! Or I feels like nothing. It's been hotter than ever outside and we have been getting frequent thunderstorms which I love listening too. I bump into lots of stuff with my belly as of late, as well as having trouble getting in and out of the car, reaching my feet to put my work shoes on, and getting off the couch. Par for the course though... I have been sick for the last week. I am miserable. I cannot breath, I cannot sleep well, I will not take medication (although I used afrin the other night so I could breathe a little while I slept), and the snot is in my sinuses and I can't just blow it out of my nose and feel better. It's miserable and I can't to any exercise either - I just do not have any energy... and I tire quickly. Not to mention the headaches. Neil gave me his cold I suppose, he was sick last weekend. I hear it's going around and everyone at work is sick too.. what can you do... nasty summer colds! I also hear that one of our Chief Selectees has Mono... not happy about that and I will be staying clear of her.
I switch my exercise from running to swimming over the last couple weeks. Started going to the pool on base in the mornings and it's a wonderful feeling to be in the pool. It's so very comfortable, and I can actually move around with such ease it's a total pleasure. So I should be swimming the rest of the pregnancy to help me keep moving! I can't stop moving, it would drive me nuts. I am still doing other calisthenics though too, squats, push ups, lunges etc... trying to stay as active as I can!
So getting to the good stuff, the baby is moving around a lot! He gets the hick ups about once a day or so.. it's kinda funny, except when it happens at night. He kicks a lot and feeling him is amazing, it's just awesome, I love just putting my hands on my belly and feeling his movements and how random body parts fly past. I try to talk to him a lot too, he seems rather responsive. Especially when Neil talks to him. It's super cute. I might read him a Dr Seuss book today...I hear that it will make them used to the stories before they come out! Hmm.. we will see right? Neil sang to him last night too, and he was dancing for it... it was super cute. I think the little man really recognizes his daddy's voice!
Work has been demanding as well... with the Chief's induction season going on and my new assignment, I have been having to work a lot of extra hours here and there to stay on top of things. In fact I have to do my evaluations this weekend on most of my guys... oh well, I just did not finish them during the week, what can you do? It's like having homework. Speaking of homework, I need to get back into college. I think when the baby comes I am going to sign up for a class, get back on track with my masters degree. I need to finish that up! School dropped me last year because of my inactivity. I took the whole year off because of my instabilities at work and home and mind. It's been a rough year and I hope it will end better than it got started. Still a lot of work to do around the house but well, what can you do. We will be hiring some help in the near future to get some more projects completed. We need to get the baby's room togheter soon, but it's not that big of a deal since he will be sleeping in our room at the start. So we are ready for him!!! I am so excited! I just can't wait to hold him and snuggle him in my arms.
I did have a night mare the other day though, I was at the gym and all of a sudden the baby was moving around and I could clearly see his hand and then all of a sudden there he appeared.. as if I had given birth right there in the girl's locker room... oddly enough Alisha was there... and then the baby had no face, and he was very heavy, like those stone babies from the tabloids.. or natgeo... but his arms were moving.. it was creepy.. it was very scary... woke me up in a huffy. The images freaked me out, it's amazing how the mind works. But it seems to me that my baby is fine and is in good health moving around in there. I am taking additional iron supplements (in addition to the prenatals and zoloft) and they help with my energy levels. Last couple weeks I have also been getting tingling in my lower lip.. I read it could be calcium.. but who knows.. I drank more milk and it seems to go away... so might be. The baby seems to be draining me of my nutrients more these days.. my nails are not even growing as fast as they were in the 2nd trimester. It's so strange! How much changes so quickly.
OK well off to start my day and prep this house for the small gathering I am having later.. I have a creative memories party this afternoon! Fun! But I wish more people were coming.. oh well... should be fun.. as long as someone shows up! ;) Have a wonderful weekend!
1 comment:
you are so active mamma! way to go! how is the nursery coming along?
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