WELCOME TO WEEK 30 - 10 to go right?
Neil says 71 days till "the great escape" so I suppose we will see how that plays out as mother nature does her thing. Either that or he was sleepwalking - it was before 9 am. The body is so amazing. I have not had any stretch marks or stretching feelings lately so I am glad for that. I ran yesterday though for about a mile and a half and got some cramps in my lower right quadrant (of my abs/baby bump) but nothing to get overly concerned about. I am sure I just needed to drink more water and get some rest. But I am grateful, this little man moves
OK so that's not all the fun I had this week... Sage, my older cat, gouged my shoulder so I look like I was attacked by Wolverine. We will see how that heals. I think Fea, my younger sweetie pie, scared her as she jumped up to the couch... I just remember Sage looking back at me once he hit the floor in bewilderment at what just happened. A little blood a little hydrogen peroxide and some stinging but it's still healing. It's been three days.
So one more debacle for this week. We were growing blueberries in pots outside our front door. They would be in the ground but we have no garden as of yet in the back (as we had planned) and we could not agree where they should go. Sooooo we just left them there in teh front of the house. We had some pests come through and in my wisdom I decided to spray everything with a organicide. I must have not diluted it enough and well... now I have red-headed blueberry bushes. Umm.. to say the least we thought I had killed them first. But no, no, we left them there, the berries shriveled up, the leaves stayed red but as you can see in the picture, the green leaves are coming back. In two of three of the pots it looks like the plant will adapt and over come and ignore it's new red hue in the other branches. The leaves are still doing well so I guess it will be ok, but they look rather odd... as if something out of the willie wonka factory.
As for the rest of the greenery I sprayed everything else held up.. except for the cherry tree. Japanese beetles invaded it last week and left one leaf. Not sure if she will survive but well.. i bought it from home depot so as long as I can dig up the reciept, I can take her back and hopefull get an exchange, and next time use the Sevin like my mom recomends.
Well that's it in a nutshell this week. Chief Results came out yesterday so things should become increasingly interesting around here with work and well play. But I look forward to the season, as long as the other khaki quit treating me like a walking time bomb.. it's like the coordinators this year don't want me involved in anything because of my "condition". I am pregnant not dead! Damn it.... well either way... I will be out there making some new Chiefs, and worth while ones.
Oh PS got signed up for HypnoBirthing class finally.. I have to read the book and class starts in September.. More on that next week!
Have a great week!!!
1 comment:
I remember after the 3 hour glucose test being starving and going to a diner around the corner from my doctors office and chowing down, eating like I never ate before LOL! I hope you dont have the GD, but I know a few people who had and it sucks, but it will be fine if that is the diagnosis.
miss you! love your blog! keep updating! you look FAB!
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