I am surprised at how difficult it has been thinking about a name.
The only thing that seems solid for us is Gustave. Neil's Grandfather was Gustave and so was a great grandfather of ours. It's perfect and it goes so well as Gustave Rubin. But now what about a middle name? I ran across Cain... but I also liked a few other names for him... Sebastian or Rafael.. which oddly enough my cousins have named their little men.
How I can't wait for this little mini me to appear! He moves a lot in my belly lately and I got my first kick to the rib this morning! Heart burn is a normal way of life too, I suppose when I eat the muscles are so loose and he's so mobile that it's just a bad combination. There are days the antacids or even my prescription zantac don't help.
My joints are popping a lot more on the simple movements as of late. When I haul myself out of bed, when I pick myself up off the couch, just walking around my joints are just not what they were a few months ago. Again I suppose this is another one of the subtle indicators that someone's birthday is coming soon! I am finding it more and more difficult to get up (from bed, couch). I feel like a turtle stuck on her back... Neil occasionally will try to help me up, pushes me out of bed or gives me a hand off the couch.. it's amusing.
My feet are also taking a beating! They seem tender each day! Putting them up on the coffee table at the end of the day has been helpful, it does relieve some of the pains, but it's funny to have these "typical" pains... it's wild how different each pregnancy can be but how similar they are too. www.babycenter.com has been a life saver answering all the little questions.
We also started reading my textbook for hypnobirthing classes, ok I started reading the book... I give Neil the highlights. We start class 10 Sept which is a little later than we wanted but it was the only class we could get into. I am hoping for a drug free labor, but we will see when we get there. I am no opposed to the epidural, but I would rather allow my body to do as much of it as it can naturally (I can hear many moms laughing... that's ok). Bethesda says they will give you the epi no matter how far along you are in labor. The biggest thing I do not like about the epi is no walking around! :(
So what other funnies for the week... I look like i am smuggling a watermelon in my uniform, I will have to take a picture next week. Most of my maternity shirts are really pushing the limits. I feel very ROUND, this belly sticks out significantly and there is still more to come!!!
I also have developed a small shadow of a linea nigra, a dark line going straight down my belly. They say it goes from your belly button down but mine is above the belly button... my tattoo hides below my belly button. So far it's a cute faint line... badge of honor! (You can barely see it, and upon taking pics, i realized that it runs all the way up and down!)
He moves so much it's wonderful. He keeps me company all day!
6 Weeks to go!