5 months and 1+ week
Gus grows with each week... this past week he learned a few new tricks which just adds to his adorability factor 10 fold... maybe 20 fold.
He grabs his toes and thinks they are the greatest thing
and he also goes "brrrrrfsffffsss" when he purses his lips and blows
(especially when there is a nice spoon of rice cereal there-
which makes it especially fun!~)
Motherhood continues to amaze me! He is just such a blessing, I don't know why we waited so long to have kids! For those parents of teens and young adults out there, don't forget to encourage your younger ones to procreate! I focused too long on "I want to go to college" and "I want to start a life" and "I want to be so independent" and "my career comes first"... I had put aside the marriage and have kids ideas for too long. I was so selfish! But on the other hand, don't make too many - we do have an overpopulation issue! One per adult!
Neil and I believe that couple should only have two kids.. just enough to replace them. I agree! Babies are wonderful and all, as are big families, but I just don't see the point if overpopulation will destroy the earth we live on, and that they inherit.
Gus is such a happy baby, but he had a few random crying bouts yesterday that were a bit off. We think he might start teething soon, or maybe he just was full of poo... which he did let go finally during some some encouraging tummy time.
Enjoy the pics! We took Gus swimming last week, he loved it! Just playing in the water (warm water - therapy pool at the Severna SPY). I actually even wore a bikini... umm... never again... or at least for a while.. my jiggle is still ewwww...
As for little nekked man... sooo cute... can't help but take a few cuties!
Ok more to come soon!
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