I sit here at 4 am pumping in my mother's kitchen. I don't know what I did to deserve this but my milk production is up and I couldn't be happier. How lucky am I to be able to make so freaking much! I awoke to a very sore right boob, so I came out to pump a couple ounces to make the pain go away and make it easier for little one to eat. I siphoned of 5+ ounces.. what the heck! Did I over do the water last night? Or did little one let me go to bed with some milk in there... I was pretty sure they were pretty empty when we went to bed. eh?
So granted with all this milk production, I feel like i drown the little guy some times. Anyone else get that? He drinks so much, and he spits up soooo much, but he's still like in the 90th percentile for weight, I guess I shouldn't be worried unless he stops gaining weight. Ah.. the things we do for love... pump pump pump ... the lovely sound of the machine stirs up my mom's dachshunds. They bark at it... at 4 am I feel bad for the rest of the house!
For Gus' first Christmas we are down in Florida in the warm tropical air. He's enjoyed being in his lighter clothes and of course my mom ensured he had enough of the cutie outfits for the weather. He was able to see his uncle Stanley and his cousin Daniel so far, and hopefully we will see Aunt Cari soon enough, the days have flow by that we have been here and soon we will return to our cooler temperatures and snow covered yard. Hopefully the propane guys will have refilled our tanks too... we ran out last week and they are backed up since the great snow! Gus has missed his first and second snow of the season, but we will get to see it soon enough!
Hand in Mouth.
Gustave has made wonderful strides in exercise. He can shove his hand to his face and actually suck on it for a while. He's getting pretty good at getting his little hand in there. And his head holding capability is up, he is steadier than ever! We are so excited! He loves standing in mommy or daddy's lap and enjoys sitting up watching the rest of us around the table. It's super cute. He also has been known to carry on conversations with is grandmother lately, during a couple moments in the day he gets quiet chatty and will carry on a discussion of goos and laughter, it's amazing how we learn the two way discussion at such a young age. I can't wait to hear that first word. It's just wondrous how we have survived as a species with the slow development.. think about it. Birds have a few weeks and they are up and running on their own, dogs get a couple months and they are self sufficient, we go a few years... before we can even use the bathroom and "eat" on our own... ha. It's wild, or I should say domestic!
Well I need to get myself and my udders back to bed so I can get some rest and hopefully Gus will sleep through the rest of the night. He has been waking around 3 for the last three days fussing and getting fed, so we will see, he wouldn't take the teet this 3 am, but watch.. I will go back to bed.. and he will be ready now. Eh.. boys. Good night everyone!