We are cutting it close alright!! I would have liked our house to be further along but it's not. We are still pending the completion of the third room in order to move forward with the little man's room. The floor has been a hang up because of the time it takes to put it together. One person, Neil, working alone just makes it so time consuming. We once had friends that would help but that kinda went by the way side.
No negative stuff here... moving forward! Heartburn has been pretty bad lately, brownies are a major offender! SO looks like I will not be eating those much more. . . Neil will be happy to hear that.. more for him! ;) The heartburn has been vicious too! It's not your mild case of indigestion, it's an all out assault on my esophagus! The burn I get is intolerable, and many times there seems so little I can do. I take some Rolaids, but I can't take anything for indigestion if when I take my iron pill... so that causes a damper. So basically I have to suffer... for a little while longer.
My ankles and hips are "looser" than ever and seems that I roll my ankles more and feels funny more often.
My nesting task for today was washing baby clothes! It's so exciting, and I couldn't believe that it took so long to cut all the tags off! I think we have enough clothes to get us started, at least I hope so. I don't know what's enough!! I guess we will see. I also started putting my over night/hospital bag together. I bought some small toiletries, warm socks, baby book, pens, but I guess I have to put a list together so I will not forget anything. I can't find my travel scrabble either... I didn't think it was far... and then there is the ipod, but I use that a lot so I can't just pack it away yet. So you see it's a bit of a challenge. Not only that but if I go into labor and am away from the house that would make Neil have to come back to Annapolis to come get our stuff... Maybe if it gets cooler soon we will be able to keep everything in the car, but it still seems too warm to just leave certain things in the car... ok that was a boring ramble.
So Little Man has been moving a lot! He is strong and I can feel his bottom and shoulders or knees and it's wild. He has been frequenting the top of my uterus and I suppose that's why I get such horrible heartburn.
I have also gotten my first couple of practice contractions! The night before Neil left for his family trip I had my first contraction... OK it was 3 am in the morning, but it was interesting. My tummy got really hard, after the hot shower it all subsided though. Neil's flight was at 0530 so it worked out fine. I wonder if it was stress related?
So five weeks left if he comes on time! I just can't believe it! The time has gone by so fast! But I am so tired lately! I just don't feel like doing much lately... in the morning is the only time I have "umph" and by 1300/1400 I am about done, tired!
I keep wondering what it will all be like, what will it be like to feel him? I can't wait!
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