I am sad, happy, sad, sad, happy, sad, happy, anxious, flippant, omg... my emotional roller coaster is a bit nutty lately, but it's hormonal.. not the meds! Or at least that's what I am telling myself.
On a better note, I am starting to show and Neil seems pretty excited about this! I am really not fitting into my regular pants, even though my work jeans will have to make it for a while so we can get stuff done around the house (I just hold them together with a hair band and a blue bella band). I have given into to the fact that prego pants are the most comfortable thing invented, not sure why more people wouldn't want to wear them! The microfiber stretchy material around your waist.. fabulous! Now my work pants have an elastic waist band, and I hate it, I will probably change that with some of my hand stich work.. trip to Jo-Annes in my near future!
Well as some have noticed I have also been cleaning my facebook up. I have been removing folks that I am not truely friends with, and man this has caused some major stir. I thought people wouldn't mind if they were taken off.. figured they would just go about thier business but seems that it was a major point of contention and cost us one of our couple friends. They don't want to see "us" any more. Amazing.. the things you don't know. But here's the deal, why should I open my personal life, my blog, my family, my friends and suscept them to people I don't talk to and well... that could hurt me or any one of us? I see no reason to include them in my life right now. Now if we became true friends, then I would see keeping them in my "circle" but well... life is too short and I am too crabby/anxious/emotional to keep around the dead weight. Sigh.. there is never a right answer is what I know. It's just amazing that a silly thing like facebook is gonna hurt a friendship that has lasted over 6 years. Was it all really worth it in the end?
Ok, need to move to a lighter note... I have a doc's appointment on Tuesday! I also am pretty sure we are coming up on our next big ultrasound.. and with a better, more powerful machine so they can see more. I can't wait! For those that know me they would be able to see that I am kinda pregnant now, and it's exciting to see it come together. The babe should be about 4-5 inches long by now (from the readings) and sucking it's thumb!
Severe indigestion has begun to creep in though.. so eating smaller portions and foods that irritate less have become my way of surviving. I also keep the Maloxx handy for now.. but I try not to ingest anything unnatural for the sake of the little guy or gal.
I am overwhelmed with joy about the pregnancy and worrisome that something will go wrong. I suppose that is or was everyone's issues.. you worry until you see them come out and with all fingers and toes and healthy. We can't wait, I love hearing other stories about other's pregnancies and babies (thanks Harmony, Jim, Shawna). Keep em coming!
Well as for now and this weekend, need to get hopping! I am tiling the bathroom today in the upstairs hallway and Neil is closing up some walls downstairs in the kitchen so we him and his brother can hang kitchen cabinets up next week! It's all so exciting!!!! Our house is coming together slowly. It's such a slow painful process but we keep trying to keep our "eyes on the prize" and how great it will be in the end.
THanks for any and all support!!!!
Thanks for updating! I was starting to get worried about you. I figured you were in FL, but still, they have internet there! LOL
I have figured out how to use the computer while Connor is feeding and/or sleeping on me. That is his new thing, he sleeps best on me (chest, lap) and Ijust let him cause I want to rest!
The emotional rollercoaster does not cease. I already cried today and its only 10am. Still hormones, but I am almost at the end of the official 6 week post partum period! My mom and sister are babysitting Connor tonight and we are going out to dinner. Local, but Im sure Ill be nervous although I am excited.
I love following your journey. I wish you were feeling better... I hope you like the clothes. I sent some to my other friend who is due in Aug, so when she is done with them, I can send them your way for the home stretch. That is when I really needed maternity shirts. I was able to wear my own shirts (and gav's tshirts around the house) pretty late.
Have a great weekend!
Ginger Ale is very good for settling the stomach & so is mint, might want to get some herbal tea. Just check on what it's mixed with. I had to give up ketchup when I was pregnant with Casey, never did start using it again. That's why I dip my fries in mayo mixed with mustard, LOL. And, yes, the hormones will keep you rocking. It's amazing how you will feel about this new little life you are creating. Chemically it's all part of the bonding process but that doesn't make it any less intense. And let Harmony know that they like to sleep on you so they can feel/hear the hearbeat they lived with for 9 months. It comforts them. Casey refused to fall asleep unless she was in a Snugli for months. I would have to put it on & walk laps around the dining room table or around the block till she passed out. I learned how to climb on the bed on my hands & knees & unhook that silly thing so she would be on her back on the bed. Then I could sneek off till she woke up again.
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